Sunday, January 26, 2020
Paul Willis Learning To Labour
Paul Willis Learning To Labour Much has been written in the social sciences with regard to the role the education system plays within our society. Early investigations into the sociology of education tended to be written within the functionalist tradition with social thinkers such as Emile Durkheim and Talcott Parsons composing their theories within this framework. This perspective often viewed the education system as necessary for sustaining efficient economic growth and for creating a meritocratic society a society where the most talented and able individuals can rise through the social hierarchy according to their own ability. However, in recent years, social scientists have found the Marxist perspective more useful in understanding the connection between education, society and the economy. This perspective in general sees society as being a site of conflict between different groups; with education being another battleground where this conflict is acted out. The main function of education then in this context is to continue to reproduce the labour force. But more importantly that the education system favours and will benefit one social group over another namely the dominant and ruling class over the subordinate. This is perhaps a crude oversimplification of the Marxist case but it is important to have some understanding of this perspective with regard to education as this is the academic context in which Learning to Labour (1977) was undertaken. It is within this perspective that much of this essay will focus, as indeed it is the theoretical framework that Paul Willis is writing from. The aim of this paper is to critically engage with the themes and perspectives presented by Willis in his groundbreaking study on the sociology of education. Before we go on to discuss Learning to Labour it is perhaps important to start with some understanding of what came before; so as to highlight how Willis findings broke new ground and pushed the debate around education forward. Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis (1976) were writing just before Willis and their approach was very similar in that the thrust of their thesis was concerned with how education prepares pupils for their future roles within the labour market. However, their theories were very much formulated around the notion of direct reproduction and because of this they have exposed themselves to the usual criticisms of economic determinism. Willis offers a more sophisticated explanation. Although he acknowledges the existence of conflict within education he does not quite share Bowles and Gintis view that there exists a straight forward relationship between education and the economy. For Willis, schools are not nearly as successful in churning out a docile workforce as Bowel s and Gintis suggest. There is always the opportunity for resistance. The lads of Learning to Labour have managed to see through the ideological smoke screen of the school and reject it, while at the same time creating their own counter-school culture. The education system then is not simply a site for cultural reproduction but also a site of production; in that it has quite unintentionally created factors (in this case the counter-school culture) which are not particularly beneficial for the reproduction of capitalism. The school used by Willis is situated in a working class housing estate in an industrial town in the Midlands. Willis concentrated his study on a group of 12 working-class boys whom he followed through their last year of school and into the first few months at work. Willis soon found that these boys, who he referred to as the lads, had a distinct attitude towards their teachers and the school. Willis observed that they had developed their own unique culture which was diametrically opposed to the value system of the school. This counter-school culture of the lads blatantly rejected the authority of the school and ascribed no value to academic work and saw no use in the gaining of qualifications. Now it is important to understand what Willis means by the counter-school culture. The acknowledgement of an emergent counter-culture within the school is not in itself new (see Hargreaves, D. 1967) but what is significant about the way Willis uses this idea is that he examines the counter-culture within its wider social context. He quite brilliantly observes that the counter-school culture is not accidental, nor its style quite independent, nor its cultural skills unique or special and that it must be understood within the larger framework of working-class culture, particularly in relation to shopfloor culture. For Willis, the counter-school culture is rich with symbols and signs of resistance against the formal zone of the school. The lads have, in a symbolic act of sabotage, inverted the values that the school espouses and created their own value system which is in defiant opposition to the institution. This opposition is mainly countenanced through style, Willis notes: It [the counter-school culture] is lived out in countless small ways which are special to the school institution, instantly recognised by the teachers, and an almost ritualistic part of the daily fabric of life for the kids. (Willis, P. 1977:12) The counter-school culture is a very masculine domain where overt sexist and racist views are quite frequently expressed. The lads continually search out weakness in others and are skilful at undermining the authority of the teachers without it boiling over into outright confrontation. The conformist students are the lads main target after the teachers. The lads feel superior to them because they, unlike the earoles, have not surrendered their independence to the school they are still able to have a laff. It is this ability of being able to have a laff that is a defining characteristic of being a lad. It also marks them out from the earoles: we can make them laff, they cant make us laff. For Willis the laff is a multi-faceted implement of extraordinary importance in the counter-school culture and is a vital weapon in the lads arsenal in their continued struggle of the informal (counter-school) over the formal (school). This winning of symbolic and physical space from the school is illustrated further in the way that the lads seem to construct their own timetable. Through wagging off from classes and always trying to get away with doing the least amount of work, the lads have become highly skilled in exploiting and seizing control of the formal zone of the school. Cigarette smoking and openly drinking have also become valuable symbols of rebellion as it further marks the lads out from the school institution and instead shows them as belonging to the larger male working-class world. Ind eed Willis draws our attention to the similarities between the counter-school culture and shopfloor culture. He writes: The really central point about the working-class culture of the shopfloor is that, despite harsh conditions and external direction, people do look for meaning and impose frameworks. They exercise their abilities and seek enjoyment in activity, even where most controlled by other. They do, paradoxically, thread through the dead experience of work a living culture which is far from a simple reflex of defeat. This is the same fundamental taking hold of an alienating situation as one finds in counter-school culture and its attempt to weave a tapestry through the dry institutional text. (Willis, P. cited in Blackledge Hunt 1985:184) When the lads reach the end of their final term and the prospect of work awaits them they remain indifferent to the type of manual unskilled labour they will go on to do. They understand that most manual work in industry is basically the same; very little skill is required and offers no satisfaction. The best the lads can hope for is an apprenticeship or clerical work, however such jobs seem to offer little but take a lot. Although the lads might not be able to articulate it, in some respects they do have some understanding of the workings of capitalism. Willis calls these insights penetrations, where the lads have been able to see through the ideological fog created by the capitalist system. An example of this is present in the way that the counter-school culture places no value in the attainment of qualifications through certificates. The conformist student may be convinced by educations meritocratic faà §ade and the promise of upward mobility but the lads know better, they are aw are that a few can make ità ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦the class can never follow. They understand that individual success will not ultimately change the position of the working-class, and that only through the collective action of the group will this be achieved. This is articulated by the lads in the way that they place an important emphasis on loyalty within the group, as Willis observes the essence of being one of the lads lies with the group. The group always comes first and the rejection of qualifications is a rejection of the individualistic nature of the school, which creates competition between class mates with the proliferation of individual awards through exams. As Willis puts it: à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦it is unwise for working-class kids to place their trust in diplomas and certificates. These things act not to push people up as in the official account but to maintain there those who are already at the top (Willis, 1977:128). Although they may have some understanding of capitalism, Willis contends that while some penetrations have been made the lads still have not fully seen through all of capitalisms ideological justifications. They do not possess a complete overview of how capitalism works to exploit them. In some respects the lads are unwitting conspirators in their own exploitation in that they are far too willing to enter the world of manual work; and in doing so they enter an exploitative system which will ultimately entrap them. Their attitude towards women and ethnic minorities is also destructive. They serve only to divide the working-class making it that much easier to control. For Willis then, it is quite wrong to picture working-class culture or consciousness optimistically as the vanguard in the great march towards rationality and socialism. The lads of Learning to Labour may have realised their own alienation but ultimately it is their own decisions which have trapped them in these exploitative jobs. Willis has tried to make it clear that rather than being a site for the reproduction of one dominant ideology; the school can be a place where contradictory ideologies come together in conflict. With this study Willis shows us that it is the lads resistance to school, with the forming of a counter-school culture, that has prepared them for their future roles within the labour force. Their indifference to school and their behaviour in class has paradoxically prepared the lads for the manual unskilled work which they will go on to do. So in this sense education does reproduce the labour force required by capitalism. But it is done not directly and perhaps unintentionally and most importantly of all; not without a degree of resistance and struggle. The counter-school culture of the lads, as we have seen, is not beneficial to the reproduction of capitalism, but at the same time it is not particularly harmful. Willis has shown that reproduction is not a simple process with external economic structures manipulating submissive subjects. He is very critical of these structuarlist accounts. As he says: Social agents are not passive bearers of ideology, but active appropriators who reproduce existing structures only through struggle, contestation and a partial penetration of those structures. Paul Willis ethnographic investigation has been hailed a landmark study by educators and social theorist alike (Giddens 1984, McRobbie 1978). Indeed any detailed discussion on the sociology of education, subcultures or even deviancy within society would seem redundant if there was no reference to Learning to Labour. One writer has remarked that Willis has provided the model on which most subsequent cultural studies investigation within education has been based. However, this does not mean that he is exempt from criticism. David Blackledge and Barry Hunt (1985) take issue with a number Willis conclusions. Firstly they find some of his evidence unconvincing can the lads really be representative of the working-class in general? All the pupils at the school are from working-class families including the earoles (who are clearly in the majority); surely they are more representative of working-class values and attitudes. Blackledge and Hunt argue that the values of the conformist students, with their emphasis on academic work, are as much working-class in nature as those of the counter-culture. To support this claim they point to a similar study by David Hargreaves (1967) in which he found a significant delinquent sub-culture existing in a secondary school. Like the school of Willis study, the pupils where predominantly working-class (their fathers were in manual occupations) and he observed that the school was divided into two sub-cultures: the delinquescent and the academic. However, unlike Willis, Hargre aves does note that there can be a blurring of the two categories with some students within the academic group displaying delinquent behaviour from time to time. But more importantly Hargreaves maintains that the attitudes of the academic group are consistent with the values of a large section of the working-class. So in this light Blackledge and Hunt remain unconvinced that the values of the lads are the same as the working-class as a whole. They also have trouble excepting the simple dichotomy which is at the heart of this study that there exists just two main groups, the lads and the earoles. For them this does not really do justice to the diversity of the real world in that [Willis] would have us believe in a one-dimensional world in which there are those who want an education, and those who enjoy life. It never seems to occur to him that these pursuits can be combined, and that the person who takes an interest in his or her education is not, thereby, dull, obsequious and a soc ial conformist. Despite these criticisms Learning to Labour has remained an influential and much discussed text. In fact despite being written from a cultural studies perspective its influence is particularly strong within sociology. It is within Marxism that its significance has been most far reaching however. It has encouraged Marxist writers to re-evaluate their approach to the understanding of education; paying specific attention to the different factors at play instead of providing simplistic explanations of the role of education within society. Willis is very critical of structuarlist accounts which have a tendency to see subjects as passive bearers of ideology who mindlessly reproduce the status-quo. Willis has given social agents the ability to reject the dominant ideological discourses and to resist in the reproduction of existing exploitative structures. Learning to Labour has sometimes been described as a pessimistic book but I can not help but bring a positive interpretation to the text. It is true that ultimately it is the lads own choices that lead them to some of the most exploitative jobs that capitalism has to offer. But by simply having that choice it does allow for the possibility of change. As Willis himself says there is always the possibility of making practices not inevitable by understanding them. This, I would argue, is the key thread which runs through Learning to Labour; by understanding the reasons for the forming of a counter-school culture can we bring about positive changes which will be beneficial to everyone and not just the lads. Perhaps Willis is guilty of using too many Marxist terms uncritically. The way he employs the category of social class within Learning to Labour is maybe a little outdated now. It is not a stable, fixed construct it is more fluid than Willis allows for with an interlinking between race and gender etc. Similarly at times he is arguably guilty of slipping back into traditional Marxist territory with the idea of the state being subservient to capitalist class is that still (if it ever was) the reality? Within a globalised world power is more dispersed and not concentrated in the hands of one ruling bloc; but instead there are perhaps different organised groups competing for power. Economic and informational flows can freely transcend national boundaries it is argued (Giddens 1994) that globalisation has acted to decentralise power preventing any one group from wielding too much economic and ideological control. However, it is to the credit of Paul Willis that his investigation has re mained relevant and important twenty-eight years after it was first published. It is still considered a model example of ethnographic research and has encouraged many other ethnographic studies whose emphasis was on style, resistance and cultural symbols (See McRobbie 1978, Hebdige 1979). Indeed, Anthony Giddens (1984) structuration theory which sees subjects as knowledgeable and active agents owes a considerable debt to the insights made by Willis in Learning to Labour.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Development During Early Adolescence Essay
Can these changes have a significant impact on a variety of developmental outcomes of identity, morality, transitional stages, beginning of puberty and the full commitment to an adult social role, and sexual maturity? Hence, because of the potential impact of these changes, it is important to understand the cycles of adolescents. Life has store many surprises for us as we develop throughout our whole life span. Developmental stages are the progress that occurs in humans from the time they are born until they grow old and die. Originally beginning with infants and children, development will subsequently progress into adolescence, followed by adult, and lastly elderly. The development occurs in many fields, namely physical, perceptual, cognitive, moral and social. Derived from the Latin verb adolescere (to grow into maturity), adolescence is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood. Adolescent is a distinct and dynamic phase of development in the life of an individual. It is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood and is characterized by spurts of physical, mental, emotional and social development. Who considers ââ¬Å"adolescenceâ⬠to be the period between 10-19 years of age, which generally encompasses the time from the beginning of puberty to the full legal age. The early adolescent developmental period is when individuals experience many changes, including the biological changes associated with puberty, important changes in relations with family and peers, and the social and educational changes related to transition from elementary to middle school (Wigfield, Byrnes, & Eccles, 2002). The biological changes that occur at early adolescence are dramatic, as anyone working with this age group knows (Susman & Rogel, 2004). Pubertal developments, the timings of puberty is quite different for girls and boys; girls enter puberty approximately 18 months before boys do, which means that during early adolescence, girls mature faster. Adolescence can be prolonged, brief, or practically nonexistent, depending on the culture of their society. Adolescence is somewhere between childhood and adulthood. It is also the period of life between the beginning of puberty and the full commitment to an adult social role, such as worker or parent. It is filled with constant change, uncertainty, but it can be wonderful and full of expectation. Everything a child learned to believe is suddenly challenged. One day you are a cute child that everybody seemed to adore, and the next day your skin and body are changing. Adolescence is a challenging period for both children and their parents. Three stages of adolescence early, middle, and late, are experienced by most teens, but the age at which each stage is reached varies greatly from child to child. These different rates of maturation are connected to physical development and hormone balance, neither of which the child can control. For this reason, adolescents should be treated as individuals and any guidelines should be modified to the particular child. It is very common to come across mood swings in this stage of development. Gene Roland Medinnus and Ronald C. Johnson state that during adolescence, children develop the ability to: â⬠¢ Understand abstract ideas, such as higher math concepts, and develop moral philosophies, including rights and privileges â⬠¢ Establish and maintain satisfying relationships by learning to share intimacy without feeling worried or inhibited. Move toward a more mature sense of themselves and their purpose â⬠¢ Question old values without losing their identity Adolescence begins when signs of sexual maturity begin to occur in both physical and social development and ends when the individual assumes adult roles and is concerned in most ways as an adult by his reference group. Female friendships are one of the most important dimensions of an adolescent girlââ¬â¢s life. Peer relationships and friendships are critical in the developing adolescentââ¬â¢s identity, behaviors, and overall health. These peer connections influence all areas of development including emotional, physical, spiritual, social, and cognitive. The movie ââ¬Å"Mean Girlsâ⬠addresses social behaviors and experiences that are common in female peer relationships throughout the adolescent years. ââ¬Å"Mean Girlsâ⬠has brought attention to girls mean behaviors and portrays a dark side of female peer relationships, in which girls act as bullies and use relationships to express anger or power through rumors, exclusion, secrets, or gossip. This movie shows the significant role that female peer relationships play. The functions of peer relationships in adolescence are to help support adolescents at a time when they are challenged with many new experiences, to encourage the development of emotional autonomy, to enable teens to form deeper forms of intimacy that will be needed in adulthood, and to improve social skills. Positive peer relationships cause less anxiety and depression in adolescents where as negative peer relationships may place an individual at risk for maladjustment. Adolescents who are generally disliked, aggressive, disruptive and cannot establish themselves in the peer culture are developmentally at risk. Having friends and peer acceptance are generally related to school competence, higher self-esteem, and better adjustments. Adolescence is a transitional stage of human development that occurs between childhood and adulthood. Teenagers (ages 13-19 years) are usually adolescent, though in some individual, puberty may extent a few years beyond the teenage years, and in some individuals puberty begins in the pre-teen years. Because adolescents are experiencing various strong cognitive and physical changes, for the first time in their lives they may start to view their friends, their peer group, as more important and influential than their parents. The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word cognition as; the mental process of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning and judgment (Cognition). Because of peer pressure, they may sometimes indulge in activities not deemed socially acceptable. What is Peer Pressure? Peer pressure is the social pressure from friends or other people to accept certain beliefs or act in certain ways in order to be accepted. How and why do we get peers pressure? Everyone gives into peer pressure at one time or another, but why do people sometimes do things they didnââ¬â¢t want to do? Here are a few reasons. They are afraid of being rejected by others, want to be like and donââ¬â¢t want to lose a friend, want to appear grown up, donââ¬â¢t want to be made fun of, friends have a big influence on our lives, but sometimes they push us to do things we may not want to do. The first step to standing up to peer pressure is to understand it. The four main types of peer pressure is: 1. Rejection ââ¬â threatening to end a friendship or relationship. This pressure can be hard to resist as nobody wants to lose friends. 2. Reasoning ââ¬â telling a person reasons why they should try something or why it would be okay if they did it i. e. ââ¬Å"your parents would never find out. â⬠Identity is made of what drives an individual, the abilities they have, what they believe, and their personal history (Marcia, 1980). Identity is one of the main struggles in an adolescentââ¬â¢s life. It is very important that children receive the proper guidance while entering their adolescence from their parents and peers. Although they like to believe that they are capable of developing on their own, adolescents need parental guidance to develop their path of identity development. The relationship between a child and a parent plays an important role with an adolescent and his or her decisions about sex. (Chapman, Werner-Wilson 2008). Morality can be defined as the distinction between what is right and wrong or what is good and bad. Although, moral reasoning depends on culture which akes it difficult to define; most people donââ¬â¢t look at where these principles are coming from or what guides one through moral development. As children grow and learn, usually from care takers and people who inspire their every need, their morality changes based on several levels. Although researching of moral development goes as far back as Socrates, there are two psychologists that studied morality in depth and they are Lawrence Kohlberg and Jean Piaget. Jean Piaget was a cognitive developmental psychologist spending most of his time working with children and adolescents, including his own. Although, Piagetââ¬â¢s observation of moral development wasnââ¬â¢t in depth like Kohlberg, he allowed for a basic understanding. He believed that moral development occurred in stages. Piaget strongly believed in education and thought interaction in an education setting allowed children maximum potential in cognitive development. Piaget believed in many things, but when it came to moral development there were only two basic principles. The first principle was that children develop moral ideas in stages and could not skip stages, although movement from one stage to the other could vary in length. Lastly he believed that children create their own perception of their world, including whether their actions enforce what is morally right or wrong. ââ¬Å"Piagetââ¬â¢s ideas of moral realism and morality of cooperation play a role in Kohlbergââ¬â¢s theory. Children in Piagetââ¬â¢s stage of moral realism believe that rules are absolute and canââ¬â¢t be changed. Punishment should be determined by how much damage is done, and the intention of the child is not taken into account. A child has many milestones to reach through adolescence. The success of these milestones depends on normal development. Milestones can be challenging regardless of age and size. However, some children experience abnormal development and also delays. Detecting signs of abnormal development in certain age groups requires an understanding of development milestones. There for this leads us to the major physical, cognitive, self made motivational experience of adolescents that are a variety of developmental outcomes of identity, morality, transitional stages, beginnings of puberty and the full commitment to an adult social role, and sexual maturity.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Most Ignored Answer for Argumentative Essay Topics for Gun Control
The Most Ignored Answer for Argumentative Essay Topics for Gun Control If you're a responsible gun owner of America and wish to put yourself in the very best possible place to retain your guns when gun changes are created, I recommend you anticipate new gun legislation and prepare accordingly. Just as simple as it is to purchase a gun at a gun show or street corner in the united states. Perhaps it isn't gun control they are trying to find. Enacting gun control laws like mandatory security features would decrease the range of accidental gun deaths. Usage of the expression gun control can be politicized. For people arguing that it is essential, it is important to understand that there are many other weapons a criminal can use. It is possible to observe this in examples like abortion and gun rights. Police like this therapy. The credibility of the quote becomes even murkier as soon as the dates connected with it is examined. Estimates differ regarding how common this is, but the numbers aren't trivial. Think about such statistics which are fact. Just based on how best to agree with our facts apr 29, a subject of scholarship opportunities at the moment. Ensure that must assume your essay attempts to demonstrate an outline. Argumentative essay helps your thoughts on the best way to compose a simple pattern. It ought to be highly persuasive essay is ideal to tell a conclusion paragraphs. Definitely, it normally assumes an argumentative and convincing essay. It is an essential discussion most of us need to have. Tell the reader why you feel how you do and give a succinct review of what was discussed in the duration of your essay. The Roman Empire was constructed on conquests of different nations. Ruthless Argumentative Essay Topics for Gun Control Strategies Exploited Most commonly utilized as they start the reader through a starting point. Remember that there are going to be very, hardly any sources (such as the ones I used above) that are completely objective. To execute the great argumentative essay on gun control, you're have to do several things to ensure everything goes smoothly There are lots of specifics in every one of these steps and we're going to touch on each. Is quite an easy method to tell a beneficial skill. You're making an argument about the subject of gun control. It's an argumentative essay which means that you want to have a point of view and argue the case for this position. It is crucial to remember that you're not merely stating an opinion. Some of the most rabid commentators on each side of the problem actually make fantastic pointsyou just need to get past all the screaming. Or it might just be the onset of another lengthy run of violent gun-related crimes. In-between people think that guns ought to be available for citizens so long as they're monitored and governed by the government (Cohen 1). Weapons are only recovered from gun crimes in a little fraction of cases, and even then it's often hard to establish how the individual who committed the crime got their gun they might have passed a background check with somebody else's driver's license, for example. The next person might not have such noble intentions in regards to controlling who owns what firearms. Life, Deat h and Argumentative Essay Topics for Gun Control Whenever you choose to ask us for skilled aid, don't hesitate to get in touch with our support managers. A seasoned professional will make an error-free assignment very quickly and can help you boost your grades. Maybe they are merely seeking control. The students are posed with a question which does not have any actual answer, and they're made to think critically so as to formulate their own solution to the controversial question. The return on investment is extremely high, because shootings are extremely expensive events. Gun control isn't the only issue that divides America today. Many also suggest the policy response in the aftermath of Port Arthur could function as a model for the usa. Part of the issue is that political opinion clouds the objective review of facts on each side of this problem. Argumentative Essay Topics for Gun Control Fundamentals Explained You don't matter in that you have zero ability to do anything a gainst them and you can't retaliate. The 2 factors that can impact the insulation's performance are temperature and dampness. Logically, there has to be a control somewhere. Creating an argumentative and the way to adhere to the exact standard guide on gun control.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Role Of Social Risk Factors On The Development Of Our...
Jenalee Dawson SSCU/494 Research Proposal December 12th 2014 Families play a vital role in the development of our youth. Studies done on juvenile delinquency have shown that the family environment can present either a risk or protective factor. I have found through my research that as the number of risk factors to which youth are exposed increases, so does the probability that they will engage in delinquent behaviors. The presence of one risk factor may promote the existence of another risk factor, which may then in return lead to a greater likelihood of problematic behaviors in adolescents. Families that are exposed to multiple risk factors are considered at-risk familiesâ⬠. Finding the root causes and factors and understanding the effects of these family-based risk and protective factors is important in preventing adolescents from being involved in illegal, harmful, or inappropriate conduct, and keeping them on track. What exactly provokes a child to become delinquent and what makes the child gravitate so easily towards this lifestyle? With my research study I would like to explore how social risk factors influence juvenile delinquency. Are Juveniles more likely to become juvenile delinquents if there is little structure provided for them in their families? Do social factors in society influence these negative behaviors? What are protective factors that contribute to prevention of juvenile delinquency in adolescents? Much research hasShow MoreRelatedPresbyterian Childrens Homes And Services Of Missouri : The Pchas Case Study1138 Words à |à 5 PagesTherapeutic Mentoring services to youth between the ages of four and nineteen in Lincoln County. This program will work with youth identified through school districts (Lincoln County R III) and other social service and healthcare focused agencies (Crider Health Center, Preferred Family Healthcare) in Lincoln County. 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